GTHS students enrolled in the Jumpstart pathway are going to take the ACT-WorkKeys exam instead of the ACT. Their goal is to score Silver or higher on this exam.

This exam is really important for them for several reasons:
1. The test is going to certify the examinee with the NCRC certification.
2. Is a valid way to demonstrate a student's abilities to employers.
3. Because it is going to determine if they are eligible for TOPS Tech college scholarships. With a combination of a 2.5 GPA with a Silver NCRA score the student will qualify for a free 2 year community college ride.
This test is critical for Jump Start students pursuing career and technical credentials.
High school students are tested in the three core assessments of the ACT WorkKeys exam to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate(NCRC). Those core assessments are:
Applied Math. Measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving techniques for situations that actually occur in today’s workplace. While students can use calculators and conversion tables to help with the problems on the assessment, math skills are still needed to think them through.
Graphic Literacy. Measures the skills needed to locate, synthesize and use information from workplace graphics. In today’s world, data comes in a variety of formats. From charts to graphs, diagrams to floor plans, identifying what information is being presented and understanding how to use it are critical to success.
Workplace Documents. Measures the skills people need when they read and use written texts such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies and regulations on the job. Employees need to be able to understand written texts to do a job.
*Careers and technical education in LDCC
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